Within Shoregate Beverage’s new Wine Cellar, hundreds of bottles are stored at precise temperatures and organized for easy selection, from types of wines to various price points. The store features everything from classic wines for everyday consumption to signature vintages any collector might desire for his or her own home cellar.
Whether the point of origin is the United States, Europe, South Africa, South America or elsewhere, there are hundreds of subtle variations that make a wine a wine. From charming Chardonnays to robust Rieslings, bodacious Beaujolais and sumptuous Sauternes, plus a host of sparkling wines and champagnes, each sip reflects a variety of distinctive characteristics.
Hiren's enthusiasm for wine is absolutely infectious. He can describe each wine's nuances and also relate the ideal temperature at which to serve it, in addition to the types of foods it would best complement. You’ll be able to impress your guests while understanding and appreciating the complexity of your wine selection. Trends in the world of wine, such as new blends of grape varietals, are also within his expertise.
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Shoregate Beverage & Liquor
30498 Lakeshore Boulevard (Shoregate Mall) Willowick, Ohio 44095
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